Summer digging begins after March 31st and differs from our dormant season digging. Trees are well-maintained while they are in the ground. Once the trees are dug, however, the proper moisture level cannot be maintained in the root balls, and the trees will begin to dry out while waiting to be picked up and replanted. It is very difficult to get moisture back into the root balls once they have dried out. We try to schedule orders to be picked up within twenty-four hours of being dug, so that the root balls have adequate moisture in them during shipping. The trees should be planted or healed in immediately on your jobsite, with attention given to keeping the root balls moist. Protective covering over foliage should be provided while the trees are transported.
Summer Dig Schedule
The days we will be digging are:
- Monday for pick up Monday afternoon or Tuesday morning.
- Thursday for pickup Thursday afternoon or Friday morning.